About me

Hello and welcome in my astronomy blog!

I'm Giovanni, I'm 18 19 and I live in Frosinone, a small italian town near Rome. Astronomy has been my greatest passion since i was 4.

This blog is named "Balcony Astronomy" simply because I usually make my observations from the balcony of my house, in the middle of Frosinone, not really a lovely sky, but i always try to get the best performances from my telescopes, doing mostly astronomic sketches.

Right now i'm giving my small contribution to make know to the others the beauty of the sky over our heads, collaborating with the observatory of Campo Catino, one of the most important italian observatories run by amateurs. I also support public observations and star parties in my city. 

This is the english version of Astronomia da Balcone, my other blog, in italian language. It's not exactly a translation, i wrote more than 200 posts and translating them all would be a very hard work! I'll first publish my best works, then i'll start writing post about newest observation.


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